It’s been a hard road to get back on to the healthy train since baby number three has arrived. My time is so limited that I’m usually eating junk food or lukewarm blog posts at odd hours for lunch and other meals. I’m missing green leafy things like crazy. Enter the Fall Green Smoothie.
And Maple Water!! Have you guys had it? It’s delicious. I used to use coconut water in my smoothies; I won’t lie, I don’t love the taste of coconut water on its own. BUT maple water I can get on board with. Not only is it tastier, it’s also more sustainable. Double win.
All the ingredients are in “season” and are usually on sale currently. These ingredients have been getting tossed into a blender and supplement whichever meal I need it the most at. Usually lunch right now. The spinach greens help me get over the hump of not having salad for lunch or make me feel real good about starting my day with spinach.
- 1 pear chopped
- 1 kiwi peeled and chopped
- 1 handful of spinach
- 2 handfuls of grapes
- 330 mL 1 small carton of Maple Water
- juice from 1/2 lemon
Place all in ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.